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Übersetzungen für sympathies im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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sympathy [ˈsɪmpəθi] SUBST

2. sympathy (understanding):

Beispielsätze für sympathies

Republican sympathies
to express one's sympathies [on sth]

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Parental care relationships, alliances during conflicts, and the creation of social hierarchies are also associated with the onset of sympathy in human interactions.
They are unable to reach the highest levels of sympathy, and can not cleanse themselves of affectation and pretence.
My first feeling was one of gratitude for this proof of his sympathy toward me, which honored me as an artist.
He had a great love for humanity and deep sympathy with the downtrodden and oppressed.
It implies in the first place a broad, generous sympathy with every form of honest, rational and disinterested study or research.
Genuine piety and a strong family feeling combine with an intimate sympathy with nature.
They feel sympathy, but also wonder if he mattered in the time-flow.
Sympathy strikes may be undertaken by a union as an organization or by individual union members choosing not to cross a picket line.
His grasp of current thought developed in him an open-mindedness and a sympathy with real progress.
His religion, consisting of broken metaphor and bad logic, consistently favours his personal desires, but is devoid of sympathy for others.

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