Englisch » Polnisch

thieves [θi:vz] SUBST

thieves Pl of thief

Siehe auch: thief

thief <thieves> [θi:f] SUBST

złodziej(ka) m (f)

I . thieve [θi:v] liter VERB intr

II . thieve [θi:v] liter VERB trans

Beispielsätze für thieves

den of thieves
they are as thick as thieves

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The thieves also made off with other items, including seven gold watches and three gold opera glasses, worth a total of 157,000 euros ($229,000).
The show depicts would-be car thieves caught in the act of auto theft.
Thieves can also purchase a cheap mag-striper online that will copy down the numbers without leaving any traces on the card.
There is also a new self-service ticket machine, which replaced one that thieves attempted to break into in 2007.
Otherwise, they'll be continuing to play second fiddle to their own plunderers and thieves.
Thieves also made off with numerous items of clothing such as t-shirts, hoodies, windbreakers, shorts and polo tees.
Due to the overcrowded conditions, thieves are another hazard.
By some uncanny intuition, some people imagine they will find horse thieves, rogues and jailbirds perched in the leafy bowers of their family trees.
Meanwhile, two bumbling diamond thieves create complications for both sides.
When the thieves arrived, the wife did as she was told.

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