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Übersetzungen für tracer im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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tracer [ˈtreɪsəʳ, Am -ɚ] SUBST MILIT

Beispielsätze für tracer

tracer ammunition

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

These compounds use a chemical tracer which is attracted to or concentrated by the activity which is being studied.
The tracer diffusion is usually assumed to be identical to self-diffusion (assuming no significant isotopic effect).
When it didn't arrive, a tracer brought a report: ship sunk.
It is also used as a tracer for water transport studies in life-science research.
It is often used as a tracer dye within water to determine the rate and direction of flow and transport.
Even very simple flows, such as the blinking vortex, or finitely resolved wind fields can generate exceptionally complex patterns from initially simple tracer fields.
Three-dimensional images of tracer concentration within the body are then constructed by computer analysis.
Therefore, growth in the error vector will cause a corresponding decrease in the tracer gradient and vice versa.
He also made an early curve tracer for alternating currents.
Isotope tracers are commonly used in the form of isotope ratios.

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