Englisch » Polnisch

Übersetzungen für transferor im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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transferor [ˈtrɑ:n(t)sfɜrəʳ, Am ˈtræn(t)sfɜ:rɚ] SUBST JUR


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In other words, transferor retains the source copy unless deleted from the hard disk manually or through some special technology.
But the claim was rejected due to there being no early conciliation reference number for the claim against the transferor employer.
Under this order, for example, transferor governors comprise four out of nine members on a controlled primary school.
In such situations, a court balances the transferee's unjust enrichment with the enablement of cheating by the transferor.
By sending a copy to the transferee, the transferor infringes both the reproduction and distribution rights, but the first-sale doctrine provides no defense to the infringement of the reproduction right.
In that case the retention of a beneficial interest by the transferor destroyed the effectiveness of a tax avoidance scheme which the transferor was seeking to implement.
He noted the remedies provided in the case of an insolvent transferor are largely illusory unless they can be exerted against the transferee.
This means that the transferee will have to respect all condition of employment existing with the transferor at the time of the transfer.?
If a case is not settled or dismissed in the transferee court, it is remanded (i.e., sent back) to the transferor court for trial.
The alternative of course is to make a withdrawal, have the transferor spouse make a withdrawal to make these funds non-registered.

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