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Übersetzungen für triplicate im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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triplicate [ˈtrɪplɪkət, Am -kɪt] SUBST JUR

in triplicate

Beispielsätze für triplicate

in triplicate

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The emotional dismay her two other selves show at her death suggests that each of her triplicates has a semi-separate awareness and identity.
The variance estimator for triplicates is generally very poor because it is c2 distributed with n-1 degrees of freedom.
Sets of duplicated, triplicated and quadruplicated genes, with the related genes on different chromosomes, are deduced to be remnants from genome or chromosomal duplications.
It is a common design element in and corporate logos, particularly in triplicate whorls known as.
They have a shell morphology that is mostly evolute, typically with biplicate, simple, or triplicate ribbing.
Issued between 1901 and 1908, many of them duplicate (or even triplicate) the same favourite pieces, meaning that he actually recorded only 16 arias and five songs.
The capsule was transporting 10 types of organisms in 30 self-contained samples, i.e., each in triplicate.
Requisition has been historically initiated by filling out a paper triplicate form, which contains a compendium, or a menu of available tests offered by a given vendor.
Some stampers allow for consecutive, repeat, duplicate and triplicate numbering.
It's as if my wife is with us, in triplicate.

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