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Übersetzungen für war paint im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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warpaint, war paint [ˈwɔ:peɪnt, Am ˈwɔ:r-] SUBST

1. warpaint (native ritual):

2. warpaint iron (make-up):

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

His clothes turn white and his face appears with a type of war paint on it.
In roller derby, players paint their faces with war paint, just like football players.
They also paint a mean face on him with war paint.
In 2013, they issued a public statement asking non-aboriginal fans to refrain from cultural appropriation by not wearing headdresses and war paint to their shows.
Warriors often painted their face and bodies with war paint as well as their horses for reasons of empowerment.
And don't let the war paint become too intimidating.
They reported spears had been thrown at them by aboriginals in war paint.
And ahead of next week's extraordinary general meeting to oust the chief executive and chairman, the war paint is being applied.
While brushing her hair, she froze at the flashing glimpse of war paint and war bonnets moving through the forest.
To have an aboriginal runner in war paint, being seen as a warrior in regalia in any small community really gets people talking.

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