Englisch » Polnisch

Übersetzungen für wardship im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Polnisch » Englisch)

wardship [ˈwɔ:dʃɪp, Am ˈwɔ:rd-] SUBST kein Pl JUR


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Family law encompasses divorce, adoption, wardship, child abduction and parental responsibility.
This practice was considered detrimental to the great lords, since it deprived them to a certain extent the fruits of their tenure, such as escheats, marriages, wardships and the like.
Personal protection and revenge, oaths, marriage, wardship, succession, supervision over settlement, and good behaviour, are regulated by the law of kinship.
The king also made him a privy councillor and granted him various lands and some wardships which fell vacant.
Normally his inheritance would have been held in wardship until he reached the age of majority (21).
The great lords gained by ending the practice of subinfeudation with its consequent depreciation of escheat, wardship and marriage.
Its purpose was to administer a system of feudal dues; but as well as the revenue collection, the court was also responsible for wardship and livery issues.
A wardship would be of no value at all.
Incidents such as wardship, marriage penalties and other gifts, taxes, fines, fees, and knight service were onerous.
They did include both regular income from the royal lands and judicial profits, as well as more occasional income derived from feudal levies, wardships, and ecclesiastical vacancies.

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