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Übersetzungen für wholemeal bread im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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wholemeal bread SUBST kein Pl Brit

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

For example, there may not always be much difference between white and wholemeal bread.
A medium slice of wholemeal bread contains around 2.5g compared to just 1g in white bread.
While bread was not rationed, wholemeal bread was encouraged.
But the carbohydrates in wholemeal bread are digested more slowly than those in the more refined white bread, and so keep you going for longer.
For example, try cold roast meat, cold roast vegetables and a slice of wholemeal bread, or vegetable frittata and salad.
Beans, wholemeal bread, rice and potatoes are all good sources of fibre.
So simply cutting out carbohydrates, especially the less processed ones like wholemeal bread, may not be the healthiest way to diet.
Cut out fried foods, white bread and alcohol and increase your intake of wholemeal bread, fruit, vegetables, and white meat.
Wholemeal bread was found to be nearly five times more expensive.
Other sources include green leafy vegetables, wholemeal bread and brown rice.

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