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Übersetzungen für windfall im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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windfall [ˈwɪndfɔ:l] SUBST

1. windfall (fruit):

spad m

2. windfall (money):

windfall profit
I had an unexpected windfall last week

Beispielsätze für windfall

windfall profit

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Arguably a windfall profits tax which is entirely unanticipated can also fall into this category.
Full accommodation would suggest prices and incomes rise by the exclusive rate (i.e. 30%) embedded taxes become windfall gains.
He did not have long to enjoy his windfall.
More recently, developers have bought up housing for demolition and are building windfall developments of apartments on its outskirts.
A peculiar feature was often a tontine format that offered windfall profits to surviving nominees.
Measured income and measured consumption comprise a permanent (anticipated and planned) element and a transitory (windfall gain/unexpected) element.
This captures the notion that when we have higher requirements (higher windfall revenue), we are more immune to failure (higher opportuneness, which is less desirable).
Windfall attempted to shield the group with an air wall, but wasn't able to contain the chemical giant's attack.
Some clubs charge for certain windfalls, whereas other windfalls are free.
This rule prevents the creditor from realizing a windfall gain by foreclosing on property that is substantially more valuable than the remaining debt.

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