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Übersetzungen für wrongfully im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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wrongfully [ˈrɒŋfəli, Am ˈrɑ:ŋ-] ADV JUR


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Photo-luminescent signs are sometimes wrongfully described as being reflective.
During his 32 years of practice, he gained a reputation as a capable defender of the wrongfully accused.
Her husband had been wrongfully imprisoned by the state militia in a notorious bullpen.
As such, he is perhaps best known for his work for the release of illegally or wrongfully confined persons.
Hao was held in prison for 366 days, when he was released he was shunned as a traitor and angry at being wrongfully imprisoned.
It also warns those who wrongfully consume the property of orphans that they will be punished in the hereafter with fire in their own bellies.
Records indicate in excess of $176 million has been wrongfully taken from over 114,000 child support payers.
This is a direct claim from the defending party against the party who initiated the lawsuit for concurrent claims, including being wrongfully sued.
The compensation was the first award to a family for a person wrongfully hanged.
Few reports concerning these phenomena are ever published in peer reviewed scientific journals, and rightfully or wrongfully, the lunar scientific community rarely discusses these observations.

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