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Übersetzungen für Canadian im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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Canadian [kəˈneɪdiən] ADJ SUBST


Beispielsätze für Canadian

I'm not an American but a Canadian

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The men's competition consisted of eight Canadian (single paddle, open boat) and nine kayak events.
He was the first Canadian appointed to the post, and since then the governor general has always been a Canadian citizen.
In 1963, the shingles on the spire were replaced with Canadian cedar.
She was among the first generation of Canadian women artists to work professionally and earn a living from their art.
Its final proportions are huge: in height it equals a 15-storey building, its length is three times that of a Canadian football field.
During these years, the team was pressured to recruit Canadian born players and introduce them to the game.

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