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Übersetzungen für Croat im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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Croat [ˈkroʊæt, Brit ˈkrəʊ-] SUBST

croata mf

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Revolts of Croat soldiers broke out in all three divisions in the first few days, causing significant disruption to mobilisation and deployment.
The town consists of an ethnically homogeneous Croat population of over 4,000.
A general outbreak of fighting followed and there was heavy shelling of the town that night by Croat artillery.
Although primarily Croat, these schools are open to students of other ethnicities and religious groups.
Specifically, a loss of Croats would mean fewer people to support Croat politicians and diminution of their power base within the multinational state.
The village has a Croat majority (that belong to the Croat subgroup of okac).

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