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Übersetzungen für Third World im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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Third World SUBST

Beispielsätze für Third World

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Though levels of political corruption were high, they were low in comparison to almost all other third world nations.
Development of the third world is a critical part of the movement to a post-civilized society.
The amount approximately represented one seventh of all the money borrowed by the Third World.
During his studies he became an activist in student movements linked to the Third World as well as the left radical political movement.
Thus providing a responsible use of the environment to finance properties in third world countries.
He is considered the most successful activist in the history of education in the third world.
Trade with Third World nations was $0.5 million in 1973, but $8.3 million in 1974.
The third world has been transformed from a passive into a positive and disturbing factor in world affairs.
Others said that the powerful nations with large economies were not doing enough to help improve the rapidly evolving economies of the Third World.
In the post-apartheid era, his works are gaining critical attention across the third world.

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