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Übersetzungen für accountancy im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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accountancy [əˈkaʊntənsi] SUBST kein Pl esp Brit


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He gave up accountancy in 1978 to become a full-time journalist concentrating on business journalism but also writing about sport.
The study ranked cities based on their provision of advanced producer services such as accountancy, advertising, finance and law.
Exact develops cloud-based and on-premises software for industries such as accountancy, wholesale distribution, professional services and manufacturing, serving more than 100.000 companies.
He was educated at state schools, and later studied accountancy while working as a clerk.
The officers are drawn from diverse academic and professional disciplines such as financial management, accountancy, costing, law, engineering, economics, humanities etc.
According to the convention of accepted orthodox rules of accountancy, those incomes are part of the financial cost and price of the final product.
In addition to government and academia, economists are also employed in banking, finance, accountancy, commerce, marketing, business administration, lobbying and non- or not-for profit organizations.
Female students were taught dress-making and tailoring, domestic science and accountancy.
Classes were offered in art, science, matriculation, secretarial, accountancy and languages.
After the war he studied accountancy, and worked in his father's furniture factory, of which he later became manager.

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