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Übersetzungen für afoot im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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afoot [əˈfʊt] ADJ

there's sth afoot

Beispielsätze für afoot

there's sth afoot

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Is something sinister afoot in the remote barn guarded by devilish masked men?
However, as early childhood education takes on a higher level of importance in development and poverty eradication, efforts are afoot to address those challenges.
But mutiny was afoot among the lower orders.
Plans are afoot to mark the site of the colliery with the erection of a winding wheel once funds are secured to enable this.
Agents patrol the border in vehicles, boats, aircraft, and afoot.
Numbers continued to grow and it was not long before plans were afoot for the building of yet another boys school in the area.
With the passage of time however the prisoner becomes aware through visual cues that something is afoot.
Those who do not overlook obvious clues will realise that there is something more afoot here than immediately meets the eye.
With conspiracies and collaborations afoot, the question on everyone's mind.
Sensing something afoot, he is said to have gone to the palace to inquire about the circumstances of the death.

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