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Übersetzungen für amble im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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amble [ˈæmbl] VERB intr

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It was noted for a smooth naturally ambling gait, compact and well-muscled build, and a good disposition.
A particular form of ambling gait considered desirable in one breed is often penalized in another.
The amble is about as fast as the trot, not tiring for a horse that performs it naturally, and much smoother for the rider.
Many horses can both trot and amble, and some horses pace in addition to the amble, instead of trotting.
Horse types with ambling ability included the valuable jennet and palfrey.
He has been compared to a farmer's boy by virtue of a knack he possesses of ambling along rather than walking erect, as becomes a militiaman crossing the barrackyard.
After going through key symbols of their dreams, the analyst is amble to explain to them what their dream means.
Thus, in history, where comfort for long hours in the saddle was important, ambling horses were preferred for smoothness, sure-footedness and quiet disposition.
But what is more remarkable is that they amble with more speed than most horses trot, so that it is difficult to put some of them upon a gallop.
Historically, horses able to amble were highly desired for riding long distances on poor roads.

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