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Übersetzungen für anchor im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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I . anchor [ˈæŋkər, Brit -əʳ] SUBST NAUT

anchor übtr
amparo m
to drop/weigh anchor

II . anchor [ˈæŋkər, Brit -əʳ] VERB trans

1. anchor NAUT (secure):

to anchor sth to sth

2. anchor (fix onto):

to anchor sth down

3. anchor esp Am:

to anchor the evening news

Beispielsätze für anchor

to anchor sth down
to anchor offshore
to drop/weigh anchor
to anchor sth to sth

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Other examples include clothesline, chalk line, anchor line (rode), stern line, fishing line, marline and so on.
During that time, she originated numerous shows, performed interviews and was the only female anchor of the nightly news.
The currency board needs to ensure the maintenance of adequate reserves of the anchor currency.
In present afforestation projects, trees are used to anchor the soil and reduce the amount of soil erosion undergone by that area.
Most practitioners run the climbing rope through two screwgate carabiners attached to the anchor, to provide backup in case one becomes undone.
The eagle clutches laurels while perched on the horizontal shank of an anchor with its flukes to the right.
The anchor is at the stern of the ship so it can be used to help pull the ship off the beach if necessary.
Since the prices of all other goods in the economy are determined by the price of the anchor good(s), they adjust to price fluctuations of the anchor good.
In other words, a type is an example that serves to anchor or centralize the defining features of that particular taxon.
At times, the water near the villages wasn't deep enough for the big cargo boat to anchor.

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