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Übersetzungen für animosity im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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animosity [ˌænɪˈmɑːsət̬ɪ, Brit -ˈmɒsətɪ] SUBST kein Pl

animosity towards sb

Beispielsätze für animosity

animosity towards sb

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

As a result of animosity within the band during this period, they almost broke up.
Many neighboring communities have become violence and hostile as the result of animosity and tension between indigenous people and the parks.
The emerging theme elements include the distinction between good and evil, the subjectivity of history and the animosity between races, to name a few.
These grounds for personal animosity make it hard to know if the views he attributes to her are fairly stated.
If the relationship between the two is not stable by 15 months, at 4 the child will show animosity and troublesome behavior.
Though they are both highly competitive, they maintain a healthy regard for each other and have had virtually no source of personal animosity.
Off noted is the fans' animosity beginning with a slump year in 1951.
The rift caused a north-south animosity that would take years to heal.
They also carry jealousy and animosity within themselves.
Official intransigence contributed to increased animosity between the nationalists and the "colons" and gradually widened the split between the sultan and the resident general.

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