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Übersetzungen für banner ad im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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banner ad [ˈbænərˌæd, Brit -əʳ] SUBST Am, banner advert SUBST Brit COMPUT

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

How does an email campaign or an online banner ad campaign influence both online and off-line activity?
Is it a lot more work than creating a banner ad for them once?
The researchers estimated that the banner ad influenced an additional 280,000 people to vote, not 220,000.
When was the last time you clicked on a banner ad online?
Instead of simply showing users a banner ad, a company may choose to build brand-specific tools, landscapes or entire levels for the game.
However, converging social media with display advertising can fix these social media problems, as well as the everlasting problem of banner ad blindness.
The look and feel is clean apart from a banner ad at the bottom.
As a result, the prices for these ads are usually at least twice as high as a banner ad on the same website.
Inflatable billboard is an inflatable framework with an attached banner ad.
But for consumers who received a banner ad, their respect for that brand dropped by six per cent.

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