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Übersetzungen für by-law im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Portugiesisch » Englisch)

by-law SUBST (regional law)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The by-law was amended to allow such activity for part of the lake, but not the part in which the aerodrome in question was operating.
A by-law in its constitution prevents it from accepting donations from pharmaceutical companies.
The investigative committees were formed to investigate formal complaints filed regarding suspected by-law violations committed by member schools.
He opposed an anti-smoking by-law in 2003, and voted against a municipal tax increase in early 2004.
It was created in 1988 by city by-law.
In 1598 the judges gave an opinion that the town councils could by-law determine laws for the government of the town regardless of the terms of the charter.
The by-law was hotly debated within the party leadership.
He later supported of an anti-smoking by-law, and endorsed a property tax freeze in 2000.
And if there is such a by-law which allows them to demolish property without notice or fair procedure, that by-law is unconstitutional.
There was nothing about communication or other specific act, and the penalties were much higher than others mentioned in the same by-law.

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