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Übersetzungen für cemetery im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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cemetery <-ies> [ˈseməteri, Brit -tri] SUBST


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

During the spring, dogwood trees, azaleas and wisteria make the cemetery one of the most beautiful spots on campus.
Local people began using the cemetery as a garbage dump, throwing old wire, pieces of metal, tin cans, carcasses, and household ashes onto the grounds.
There are also several water pumps and a cemetery under excavation on the island.
Additional archeological digging in the property's back yard uncovered several more cemetery shafts.
The district includes 70 contributing buildings, two contributing sites (village cemetery and village green), and one contributing structure (bandstand).
The school uses the schoolmaster's house, built in the 1800s near the cemetery, to support its arts curriculum.
The oldest areas of the cemetery became neglected, vandalized, and overgrown after this period, as family members died or moved away.
They put their cemetery on a hill overlooking their land about 100 yards north of their house and put a barbed wire fence around it.
The little cemetery with new tombstones was on a little hill above fields that were ripe for harvest.
That year it had two public halls, three hotels, a fire insurance company, and a cemetery.

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