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Übersetzungen für closing price im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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closing price SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The certification will specify the proper amount of withholding, subject to the stated closing price.
Conventionally, these price changes will be daily log returns, based upon the most commonly used closing price.
It is characterized by being small in lengthmeaning a small trading rangewith an opening and closing price that are virtually equal.
Some prefer to use the days closing price and some prefer to use the days high or low depending on the direction of the last column.
If the closing price is above the opening price, then normally a green or a hollow candlestick (white with black outline) is shown.
The sale value was determined based on the 32% premium of the company's latest closing price.
If the stock's closing price on expiry is $110, the $105 put option will expire worthless while the $125 put option will end at $15 a share, or $1500 per contract.
If the stock's closing price on expiry is $110, the $100 call option will end at $10 a share, or $1000 per contract, while the $115 call option expires worthless.
The final valuation of the shares is based on the closing price of the reference shares determined four days prior to maturity.
Alternatively, a formula may be used, such as sampling the lowest closing price over a 30-day window on either side of the grant date.

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