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Übersetzungen für cloud over im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

And here things cloud over, both the tone of the film and the state of his brain.
Come up with something new -- like smartphones replacing microwave ovens or storing dorm furniture in the cloud over the summer.
At first, he thought it was the moon with a cloud over it but then realised it was moving north-east.
Permanently weighed by a pall of cloud over the earth.
While small businesses understand how cloud computing can be beneficial, many are reluctant to adopt the cloud over worries about security and privacy.
I feel like there is this looming cloud over my life.
It is drawn as a beast with clawed hands and a hairy face, with most of its body hidden in a black cloud over a floodgate.
He then felt the heat and blast from the explosion and saw the mushroom cloud over the city.
There is a cloud over the vice president.
The string of defeats cast a cloud over the team's postseason chances.

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