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Übersetzungen für convenient im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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convenient [kənˈviːnjənt, Brit -ˈviːnɪənt] ADJ

when is it convenient for you to come?

Beispielsätze für convenient

when is it convenient for you to come?

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

All characters are able to switch to a completely opposite opinion in seconds when convenient.
While they are sturdier and have a convenient doorway, these gates are still unsafe for the top of stairs, due to a tripping hazard.
It was later found that placing electrodes on the earlobes was far more convenient, and quite effective.
One invents events, and if convenient or necessary one fabricates the evidence to support ones inventions.
While convenient, these ratios may not reflect the physiognomic variation of the individuals using them.
The sinusoidal voltage stimulus is usually defined to have zero phase, meaning that it is arbitrarily chosen as a convenient time reference.
As the systems age, these dielectric properties change such that they may provide a convenient way to monitor the insulation degradation.
In particular, there is no convenient way to accurately determine the times of the peaks and zero-crossings of these curves in an individual.
Banks provided a series of convenient services of securities loans for the rubber stocks.
This can be a convenient way to get around but it is also potentially dangerous.

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