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Übersetzungen für cruel im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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cruel <-(l)ler, -(l)lest> [krʊəl] ADJ

to be cruel to sb

Beispielsätze für cruel

to be cruel to sb

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Accidents like this leave a cruel quiver of what-ifs for friends and family to rake over.
The story is also considered commonly as an inward spiral in which the protagonists undergo cruel and devastating metamorphoses in a difficult setting.
The down jacket is currently experiencing astonishing popularity -- but before you rush out and buy one, ask yourself this: how cruel is the coat?
These are no doubt, inhuman, heinous and cruel attacks, which should be condemned at every level.
But suddenly he gets catapulted into the cruel city life where there is little time for niceties.
Her bill for divorce alleged neglect, cruel treatment, and desertion, and claimed that her husband had property worth $8 million and an income exceeding $40,000 a month.
It's not just cruel, but also practically a guaranteed way of training an attack dog.
These acts are fueling the fire of pugnacious discrimination, targeted violence, vulgar vandalism, and cruel harassment.
As regent, he was courageous, but violent, cruel and debauched.
He is overly pedantic, jealous to the point of paranoia, highly suspicious, snobbish, and cruel.

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