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Übersetzungen für devote im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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devote [dɪˈvoʊt, Brit -ˈvəʊt] VERB trans

to devote oneself to sth

Beispielsätze für devote

to devote oneself to sth

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The last decade of his life he devoted to the management of his own domestic concerns.
The last of eight sons, he belonged to a family devoted to handicrafts.
While employed as tutor to his uncle's children he devoted his leisure hours to engraving various pieces, which he afterwards published.
Beginning with novels and works on ecclesiastical history, which met with some recognition, he ultimately devoted himself to writing for the stage.
He has devoted himself entirely to the company since then.
The two men had each abandoned their workshops and took on these simple names when devoting themselves to their profession.
The spectrums, children with large ears, devoted to the protection of the children, try to work out the best strategy to save all the children.
The next five years he devoted to the writing of religious plays for which he also painted the scenery.
These were part-time posts, allowing him to devote much of his time to writing.
His original intention was to study theology, but he soon devoted himself entirely to literature.

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