Englisch » Portugiesisch

experienced ADJ


II . experience [ɪkˈspɪriəns, Brit -ˈspɪəri-] VERB trans

experience difficulties, pain:

Beispielsätze für experienced

to be experienced enough (to do sth)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

An experienced smith selects the finish based on the metal and intended use of the item.
There is a marina with moorings for several hundred pleasure boats and the tidal range experienced is remarkable.
Medical cover is provided by 150 highly experienced doctors in internal medicine, intensive care, sports medicine, orthopaedics and anaesthetics.
Online investing has experienced significant growth since that time.
Making matters worse, the agency was losing some of its best and most experienced operatives under an early retirement scheme.
The prices of grain also decreased significantly and farmers of 1857 experienced a loss in revenue causing them to foreclose on recently purchased lands.
The long postwar boom ended in the 1970s, amid the economic crises experienced following the 1973 oil crisis.
He also had a faultless knowledge of police procedure and could sometimes lack tact when telling older, more experienced officers, what to do.
It experienced its greatest popularity from the late-1980s until the early 1990s.
Luckily, her midwives are very skilled and experienced in breech birth, so she felt comfortable proceeding with a home birth.

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