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Übersetzungen für farm im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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I . farm [fɑːrm, Brit fɑːm] SUBST

farm (small)
sítio m
farm (small)
granja f
farm (large)
cattle farm
fish farm

II . farm [fɑːrm, Brit fɑːm] VERB trans


Beispielsätze für farm

cattle farm
fish farm
to farm out work

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It is named after the farm upon which the present residential housing is built.
Park roads, trails, and facilities are carefully nestled within the original farm and woodland setting.
During this time the split year schedule was developed because of the rural, farm family demographics of the school students.
The land it occupies was once a large estate, which at one time included a stud farm.
Doing a traineeship, that also helped as well, but mainly on farm.
He considers himself a deficit hawk because of his calls for a balanced federal budget, in spite of his support for farm subsidies.
Another reason for polyandry is that the mountainous terrain makes some of the farm land difficult to farm, requiring more physical strength.
She reportedly staked out a good farm, but lost it due to describing its metes and bounds inaccurately at the land office.
He was self-taught, even making the needed tools himself with only the materials and other items found on the farm.
Just before the war he worked at a fishery collective farm.

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