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Übersetzungen für fault im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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I . fault [fɔːlt] SUBST

1. fault kein Pl (responsibility):

culpa f
to be sb's fault (that ...)
to be at fault
to find fault with sb
who's fault is it?
de quem é a culpa?

2. fault (in character, a. in a machine, etc):


3. fault GEO:

falha f

II . fault [fɔːlt] VERB trans


Beispielsätze für fault

to be at fault
who's fault is it?
de quem é a culpa?
to be sb's fault (that ...)
to find fault with sb

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It's not spying on them and to plunge into rash judgments and fault-finding.
He described his position as a centrist exploration of the corruption of the entire system which isn't the fault of just one party or another.
Or daresay could it be the fault of the players?
Only on this website will you find people so cretinous as to find fault with every bit of positive news about local people making a success of themselves.
The other side of the fault line was quieter.
He took care to find fault but seldom, and, therefore, when he did rebuke he was listened to with a kind of reverential awe.
They reported a culture of criticism and fault-finding at the busy unit.
Just a year previously, the stairlift had developed an electrical fault which was repaired.
The law provides for no-fault divorce based on the irretrievable breakdown of the marital relationship.
A network management system can be used to detect faulty or degrading components prior to customer complaints, with proactive fault rectification.

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