Englisch » Portugiesisch

feeling SUBST

1. feeling (emotion):


2. feeling (sensation):


3. feeling (impression):

to have the feeling (that) ...
ter a impressão (de que) ...

II . feel <felt, felt> [fiːl] VERB trans

1. feel (experience):

2. feel (think, believe):

to feel (that) ...
achar (que)...

3. feel (touch):

III . feel <felt, felt> [fiːl] SUBST

1. feel kein Pl (texture):

2. feel kein Pl (act of touching):

tato m

Beispielsätze für feeling

a gut feeling
to have the feeling (that) ...

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

But the nagging feeling is that the picture is incomplete -- that we have all ingredients and only a thin gruel for our trouble.
Worse, it provoked the general feeling that it would have been better if the game had never come out, instead resting forever as the dictionary definition of vapourware.
If you're feeling especially cruel, tot up the wrong guesses while the other team is playing and make them all drink a finger for every one.
It seems to be a natural feeling to become squeamish at the sight of blood, injury or gross deformity, but many overcome these fears by the time they reach adulthood.
The book is bound in paper that gives the feeling of wood.
I believe that art is the most successful attempt to instill in mankind the need to have a religious feeling.
Acid reflux and heartburn have nothing on the queasy feeling induced by this wildly irritating tomfoolery.
He left approximately 18 months later, citing desensitization and feeling like he was becoming something he didn't want to be.
The patient is afterwards able to walk out, the major complaint being of a thumping feeling on the heel.
It portrays the true picture of his emotional love, the feeling that dominates the heart.

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