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Übersetzungen für fight off im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Portugiesisch » Englisch)

fight off VERB trans (repel)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

There they see an attempted worm implantation which the wizard manages to fight off.
All four regiments suffered heavy casualties and had to fight off several counter-attacks.
The boyfriends then fight off the doctor's henchmen, a gorilla, a werewolf, and a creature of some sort.
It tells the tale of an oddball individualist ant who hires what he thinks are warrior bugs (actually circus performers) to fight off greedy grasshoppers.
Almost all people have suitable immune cells to fight off tumors in the body.
They care well for their young and will even fight off predators when attacked by such.
Well-equipped, he vowed to hunt down and fight off the warriors that had terrorized his village for so long.
The reason she managed to fight off the bear is thought to have been because of a phenomenon called hysterical strength.
Such organizations as temporary home guards and vigilance companies banded together to fight off any possible forays.
In that case, the victim can eventually fight off the effects of the chemical and regain control of his or her mind.

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