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Übersetzungen für freshen up im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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II . freshen up VERB intr

Beispielsätze für freshen up

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

If the costume becomes extensively damaged she can spontaneously freshen up and cause it to rearrange itself on a molecular level to recover her.
Instead, read on for some creative and fun ways to freshen up your home without busting the bank.
The band's look has evolved over the years, featuring alterations to bring them up to date and freshen up the image for new albums and tours.
It gives him a good opportunity to freshen up.
And then you freshen up, have a beer... the next day you feel strong.
He'll freshen up over the next couple of days.
The bed dominates the room, but there is plenty of room in which to relax and freshen up.
Two love bugs are skating on a broken mirror when the female bug leaves to her house to freshen up.
Amy goes to the restroom to freshen up after hurting herself on the wall.
This will prompt ebook reader makers to seek new markets and adopt color display alternatives to freshen up their product offerings.

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