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Übersetzungen für fun im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Portugiesisch » Englisch)

I . fun [fʌn] SUBST kein Pl

II . fun [fʌn] ADJ ugs


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

I nearly drank myself to death trying to have fun.
The difference is a broad streak of self-consciousness, but it rarely takes the fun out of the songs.
The contrast between menial work during the day and fun during the night may have helped to develop his musical sensibility.
It really felt like she'd only made the trip over so as she wasn't the villain who spoilt the fun and that's a huge shame.
This event will bring together mythological and contemporary ideas, making the event a perfect blend of brainstorming, fun and exuberance.
This may be done for fun, to create a photo opportunity to raise awareness of a cause or campaign, or as a competitive race.
Check out this blog for other fun facts on the history of dungarees.
Playing mostly for fun, the group explored the traditions of old-time country, blues, ragtime and bluegrass.
Entrants, who donate 5 to take part, are encouraged to wear suitable clothing, although many fun-runners opt for fancy dress.
If a customer is looking to buy a smart handbag, suggest a matching wallet or a fun key ring.

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