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Übersetzungen für glaze over im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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glaze over VERB intr

glaze over eyes:

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The former involves rolling glaze over the entire surface, and removing it with clean rags to reveal the underlying paint color in a pleasing textural pattern.
Sometimes people's eyes glaze over, my husband being one of them.
Pour glaze over the lamb then pour 200ml water around the lamb.
Remove from oven and paint prepared glaze over the buns.
Vision just uses buzzwords like "parkland" and "affordable housing", to make your eyes glaze over while stealing you blind.
Drizzle the balsamic glaze over the feta and watermelon from a height using sweeping strokes.
That window has a glaze over it so you can only tell if it's daytime or nighttime.
His eyes glaze over once he realizes that instead of being a book geared to male fantasy, it's actually about female empowerment.
It is said to have almost a sculptural surface with a translucent glaze over paint.
People's eyes glaze over when the catalogue of financial malpractices is made public.

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