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Übersetzungen für grime im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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grime [graɪm] SUBST kein Pl


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

An edited version of the clip was made for the official remix, and a completely new street party-themed video was filmed for the grime remix.
Among the discarded junk he discovers a mysterious brass bottle which he rubs to clean off the grime.
Following his performance, he hooked up with several producers from the grime scene and continued work on his debut album.
New forms of dance music emerged, fusing hip hop with garage to form grime.
Ropes can also be washed to clean them of any extensive dirt or grime.
Like dubstep and grime, bassline generally places a strong emphasis on bass, with intricate basslines (often multiple and interweaving) being characteristic of the genre.
Numerous pieces of buried details, caught under the smoke and grime of scores of years were revealed after the restoration.
It turns out the button was there, buried under grime, and the detective just missed it.
Instead of pounding the dirty laundry with a rock, launderers used the washboard for scrubbing away the grime.
A derivate form of grime known as grindie adds a flavour of rap rock, drum and bass and alternative dance.

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