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Übersetzungen für guests im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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guest [gest] SUBST

Beispielsätze für guests

to mingle with the guests

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

However, the spell backfired, trapping the guests as spirits in the earthly realm inside the hotel.
The restaurants feature sushi bar like seating around the kitchen allowing guests to watch the chefs at work.
Especially culotte steak is a classic dish to serve for guests.
Using his alcoholic actor friend's drinking prowess he makes the young man go drunk and totally expose himself, making guests laugh at him openly.
For a $25 donation, guests can enjoy some freshly made soup in a handcrafted soup bowl of their choice, which they then get to keep.
The plans as completed include 9 bedrooms and baths for the owners and guests; each bedroom has an antechamber to guarantee quiet and privacy.
Some guests became upset upon learning they have been tricked and various comments made on the show have caused outrage with viewers.
Every week the show has celebrity guests and performers from Taiwan and/or abroad.
The ship accommodates just 50 passengers and many of the guests were single travellers.
Guests will also be treated to complimentary mulled wine on the day.

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