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Übersetzungen für horse about im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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horse about VERB intr esp Brit, horse around VERB intr

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

When you ride a horse, there are all sorts of subtle cues from the horse about what's going on.
The author, every week, gets on his high horse about what mean people are those who don't see the world his way.
Pillar three: horse about to fly.
The registry institutes the same studbook inspection process, aiming for a powerful, elegant horse about 15.2hh with an active, efficient trot, longevity, soundness, and an even temperament.
I am not a hater, but orthodox medicine can not get up on their high horse about being evidenced based practice when they clearly are not.
I didn't have to get on my high horse about it.
What do you do other than get on your high horse about a misinterpreted comment?
It isn't something to worry about - but nor is it something to dismiss out of hand, or something to get on a high horse about.
Together with his father, he built a wooden horse about 1763.
Proposed penalties range from $300 for striking a horse about the head to $5000 for individuals guilty of more serious breaches.

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