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Übersetzungen für instrument im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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instrument [ˈɪnstrəmənt, Brit -strʊ-] SUBST


stringed instrument SUBST

stringed instrument

wind instrument SUBST

wind instrument

Beispielsätze für instrument

blunt instrument

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He invented the cither-viol or sultana in the 1760s and was renowned for the quality and beauty of his instruments.
Most students do not play wind instruments until age 11 or 12.
Though received very well in most quarters, some reviewers took issue with her use of modern instruments.
He also composed pieces for the viola da gamba and passed on the playing technique of this instrument to his pupils.
The venues for organ recitals using those instruments are thus the churches, theatres, or halls where the organs are housed.
This instrument is not currently playable, though in the past recordings were made.
The repertory of this traditional instrument is known only through records of older players, or people who have known them.
Born into a family of musicians, he was the only one not able to play an instrument.
Other machines came on the market, all based on versions of his patents, but his instruments set the standard.
However, this instrument proved unsatisfactory, so the church returned to instrumental arrangements.

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