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Übersetzungen für jot im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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I . jot [dʒɑːt, Brit dʒɒt] SUBST kein Pl

II . jot <-tt-> [dʒɑːt, Brit dʒɒt] VERB trans

to jot sth down

Beispielsätze für jot

to jot sth down

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He always worked from notes jotted on 3x5-inch index cards.
When there is doubt, jot it down right away; that way you can ask people and get the true meaning.
Inspired, he began jotting down verses on the back of a letter he was carrying.
His fascination with poetry drew him into writing and, throughout his school years, he would carry notebooks with him, jotting down ideas for poetry.
The bay is not easily visited by land, and is therefore often empty, jotted by lonely palm trees.
I then started jotting down questions, not for writing a book, but only to remember these questions later.
The magazine consists of articles, poems and jotting written by the school community.
Ducking into a doorway, he jotted down the license number before leaving the neighborhood.
A small boy observed the composer making notes and, thinking the man was jotting a secret code, informed a police officer.
First, converting jot notes into field notes should take place as soon as possible after the events take place.

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