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Übersetzungen für kidney bean im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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kidney bean SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

There is some domestic kidney bean production that supplies much of the market when international prices climb and compete for the market the rest of the time.
Canned red kidney beans, on the other hand, are safe to use immediately.
I make kidney bean curry or yam stew or a chickpea dish with quinoa or brown rice.
One of his meals consisted of one sesame seed, one grain of rice, one jujube, one pulse pod, one kidney bean and one mungo bean.
Kidney bean leaves were strewn on the floor next to beds and seemed to ensnare the blood-seeking parasites on their nightly forays.
Other ingredients that might be added by different tastes include corn, potatoes, celery, or kidney beans.
Its economy is mainly dependent on livestock, cultivation of corn, kidney beans and alfalfa, and beekeeping.
Her kidney bean stew, okra dishes and lentil soup are delicious.
The island has the shape of a kidney bean with its concave side facing northeast.
My stomach begins to churn, my face takes on a deathly cast and my new best friend becomes the kidney bean.

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