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Übersetzungen für left wing im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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left wing SUBST POL

left-wing ADJ POL

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Footage of the leak taken by passengers show fuel gushing out of the left wing of the aircraft.
He played as a left wing and also in the centre midfield position.
The nose and left wing struck the ground first.
Also, because the aircraft is yawing, the left wing is flying faster than the right even though both are connected to the same aircraft.
It represented the left wing sector of the legal proletarian movement at the time.
The house consists of a hall with two cross wings and a two-storey porch at the end of the left wing.
Notice the shape of the left wing is mirrored in the shape of the water above and below the right wing.
The left wing opposition was very much opposed to indirect suffrage.
The party does not admit to supporting traditional left wing or right wing policies as a matter of principle.
That, in turn, increased the stall speed of the left wing above the engine failure climb out speed being used by the pilots.

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