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Übersetzungen für light-hearted im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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light-hearted ADJ

light-hearted (carefree)
light-hearted (happy)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The album includes light-hearted tracks as well as slower, more emotional pieces, covering a variety of genres such as marches, new-age themes, and jazz.
What followed was a more light-hearted approach to life matters.
The book takes a thoughtful, but light-hearted look at the popular, award-winning television series.
The play was so light-hearted that many reviewers compared it to comic opera rather than drama.
Rice used actual cricket-related names for his characters, boosting the light-hearted feeling of the piece.
Every year, at the end of the skiing season, there is a light-hearted descent.
It was an essential strand in the increasingly tongue-in-cheek direction of the series which became more light-hearted, knowing and playfully intertextual.
These motions can be serious, setting policy and making major financial decisions, or can be much more light-hearted.
The atmosphere has undertones of sadness, though many of the characters and situations are superficially light-hearted.
The light, almost whimsical style then in vogue exactly suited the light-hearted uses for which he required this retreat.

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