Englisch » Portugiesisch

Übersetzungen für likely im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Portugiesisch » Englisch)

likely <-ier, -iest> [ˈlaɪkli] ADJ

not likely! ugs
to be quite/very likely

Beispielsätze für likely

most likely
not likely! ugs
to be quite/very likely

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The sailors were likely in their thirties and forties.
It is likely that "clibanarius" is simply an alternative term to cataphract, or it may have been a special type of cataphract.
The margin likely would have been much larger had the game not been called after just thirty-three minutes of play.
Pulling also makes the mane more manageable, as a pulled mane is less likely to get tangled than a natural one.
The activity was likely from the 1649 stream.
The new strategy is likely to produce higher returns, on average, over the long run.
It is thought to be most likely that they fell or were swept out of the boat in heavy rapids near river mile 232.
These two sequences are otherwise less likely to merge before vowels, but still more likely to merge than and alone.
This is most likely the cause of respiratory health problems he suffered throughout his life.
This is most likely due to the rush the team is in for a winter release.

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