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Übersetzungen für mist im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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mist [mɪst] SUBST

névoa f

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The day was very dark owing to a thick mist, so that they did not see one another until they came face to face.
But it didn't last and a few months later the character slipped into the mists of time and disappeared.
During other months it is hard to climb the mountain due to very heavy rain, extreme wind, and thick mist.
Each scrolling level is initially shrouded in an animated mist until they are cleared by running around platforms and ladders in the correct order.
The mist is a sentient creature that lives off the life energy of other creatures.
The sun broke through the morning mist just before he arrived at the site.
When the oxygen was being harvested from the mineral, the mist escaped and filled the base, causing pain to the souls.
Photographic backscatter can result from snowflakes, rain or mist, or airborne dust.
Mist has to run for her life across the field before the rams catch her, and just about escapes.
Some have claimed that photographs taken there show ectoplasmic mist and other strange phenomenon associated with psychic photography.

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