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Übersetzungen für mobile Internet im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Seventy five point four per cent of mobile phone users said they are aware of mobile Internet but have never used it.
Mobile internet services have already been discontinued to control the rumour mongering that has been going on across social media.
Over four lakh people, mostly youth, gave their suggestions in two months mainly through social media despite the mobile internet blockage.
Available to use across five different devices, it could very well be the ultimate bodyguard for your mobile internet activity.
Now a second revolution that of mobile internet access, is taking over.
Indefinite curfew has been clamped and mobile internet services have been snapped at various places to control the situation.
With the revolution of smart phones and tablets, mobile Internet and social media, people have become aware of the power of connectivity.
Mobile internet and advanced robotics have seen massive increases in development pace.
Mobile internet use is growing faster than nearly anyone realizes.
Just over a quarter have subscribed to a mobile Internet service, leaving room to increase adoption by focusing on affordability and relevance.

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