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Übersetzungen für nourished im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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nourish [ˈnɜːrɪʃ, Brit ˈnʌr-] VERB trans

1. nourish (with food):

2. nourish form (cherish):

he nourished the hope of becoming famous

Beispielsätze für nourished

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They are categorised as thin and thick and together they are seen as nourishing all tissues and organs.
Nutrients that do not get used up on the surface will eventually sink down and nourish the seafloor habitat.
The whole rock generation of the nineties was nourished by their records.
It acts as a platform for them to showcase their technological and engineering prowess and nourishes growing scientific talent.
The rest of the body thought the stomach was getting a free ride so the body decided to stop nourishing the stomach.
He condemns communism but also the social conditions which nourish it.
He was nourished by the space, its harshness and its sense of wild mystery.
The three men from the water nourish themselves with stars and those from the wind walk through the forest like bird-men.
Alongside the campaign rules, there are new props and obstacles such as boneheaps, nourishing fountains, and sheltering trees.
All my efforts are to nourish the ancient culture.

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