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Übersetzungen für opt im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Portugiesisch » Englisch)

opt [ɑːpt, Brit ɒpt] VERB intr

Beispielsätze für opt

to opt for sth
to opt to do sth
to opt out (of sth)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Those trying to avoid a beer belly can opt for wine instead.
And advanced users can opt to go for the full-on view mode via a simple toggle switch in the menu.
This idea can both empower and co-opt the power of the common people, however.
Device makers will have to provide opt-in/out options for users, anonymize data and be transparent about what they collect to prevent a backlash.
Some minority women may opt to avoid the distress and discomfort of the medical care and refuse prenatal care entirely.
At various points throughout the show, networks may opt out for a few minutes to screen a commercial break.
Alternatively, it may opt to approve the purchase of fighter planes, warships or other military commodities throughout all the years of a given business cycle.
Doer suggested that corporate shareholders should also be allowed to opt out of party donations.
Some opt for the simple lilo, while others go to the extreme with contraptions that carry multiple couches, a barbecue and a pot plant.
As a result, most shops opt to use separate tools to deburr the entry and exit edges of a hole rather than a single tool that can do both.

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