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Übersetzungen für prattle im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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prattle [ˈpræt̬l, Brit -tl] VERB intr abw

Beispielsätze für prattle

to prattle on about sth

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

How different from the old, prattling man who died 40 years ago, his eyes long emptied of vigour.
With all fervor millions will be deluded into voicing such wicked prattle, their bodies shaking with feverish conviction that such evil come to pass.
Don't prattle off some line about personal security and the government having too much information about you.
It is easy for the media to prattle on about athletes who are gracious in dealing with them.
Remember that the next time someone prattles on about the virtues of bipartisanship.
We've discovered that this game, like its predecessor, really does compel people to prattle on about their farms.
Will you people prattling about people smuggling read instead of prattling.
Prattling about "human rights" before signing the latest trade deal is not enough.
That thing prattles on and on about our armed forces holding the fate of our country in their hands.
Anyone who has sat through portfolio prattle at a dinner party has probably heard plenty about the debate over exchange-traded funds versus mutual funds.

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