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Übersetzungen für pressure group im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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pressure group SUBST POL

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

There is a small but vocal pressure group that is trying to get the station and line re-opened.
It is a kind of pressure group which works to protect the interest of newspaper industry in particular and print media in general.
As such it never participated on elections, and never became a strong political pressure group.
The coalition acts as a pressure group, to encourage politicians to act on the issue of climate change.
A pressure group was formed, several well-attended public meetings were held and a petition signed by over 90% of households was delivered.
While the group describes itself as independent and non-political, it has been characterised as a right-wing lobby or pressure group by some commentators and academics.
The organization is not a pressure group or watchdog on advertising.
A local pressure group is campaigning for this ban to be lifted.
This acts as an instrument of community of welfare, and well as pressure group on behalf of the community.
Many of the local shop keepers formed a pressure group against a full redevelopment.

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