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Übersetzungen für qualifications im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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qualification [ˌkwɑːlɪfɪˈkeɪʃn, Brit ˌkwɒl-] SUBST

1. qualification (documents, etc):

medical qualifications

3. qualification SPORT:

Beispielsätze für qualifications

medical qualifications

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Such people carry the least risk for lenders because their qualifications tend to increase their earning power.
Those that want to become a teaching assistant often come from nursery backgrounds, and have qualifications in childcare.
It is therefore not possible to predetermine a mandatory equivalence for qualifications issued by pontifical universities with those issued by state universities.
Youths marginalised in society participate in intensive contemporary dance training, which in turn offers them educational qualifications and useful life skills.
It may be that we have to seek other qualifications in our workforce, but that's the reason for a pilot test like this.
Minimum qualifications for vehicles must be greater than or equal to an average of 148 passenger miles per gallon.
We crank people through, certificates, qualifications, degrees and stultify, don't reward creativity, unusual ideas -- which we all know is what counts.
It also oversees coaching for tenpin bowling at all levels, and is the official awarding body for formal coaching qualifications.
The list of appropriate qualifications is determined by the at the behest of the FCA.
Depending on your financial qualifications, you could substantially reduce your monthly payment, shorten the term of your loans, and significantly reduce the overall interest cost.

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